The return of wolves to Germany in recent decades has drawn a wide range of opinion and controversy. While some welcome the reintroduction of the predators, others are skeptical or even vehemently opposed. In this article we will examine ten pros and ten cons about the presence of wolves in Germany.

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Pro Opinions:

  1. Environmental Protection: The presence of wolves is a sign of an intact ecosystem and contributes to biological diversity.
  2. Natural regulation: Wolves help maintain balance in wildlife populations by preying on sick or weak animals.
  3. Tourism and Education: Observing wolves in the wild can boost tourism and raise awareness of conservation.
  4. Historical meaning: Wolves are part of German culture and history and should therefore be present in nature.
  5. Low conflict potential: Statistically, conflicts between wolves and humans are extremely rare.
  6. Conservation: Wolves were once almost extinct, their return is a success for international species protection.
  7. Agroecology: Wolves can help improve the natural balance in agriculture by regulating wildlife.
  8. Impact on forest ecosystems: Wolves influence the behavior of wild animals, which in turn can affect forest ecosystems.
  9. Promote biodiversity: Through their role as apex predators, wolves help promote diversity in communities.
  10. Successful coexistence: Other countries have shown that peaceful coexistence between humans and wolves is possible.


  1. Threat to livestock: Wolves can cause damage to livestock and threaten farmers' livelihoods.
  2. Human security: There is a fear of attacks on people, although such incidents are extremely rare.
  3. Conflicts with Hunters: Hunting wolves can lead to conflicts with hunters who are critical of reintroduction.
  4. Displacement of other species: The return of wolves could crowd out other endangered species.
  5. Restriction of leisure activities: The presence of wolves can limit hiking and other recreational activities in certain areas.
  6. High population numbers: Some critics fear that wolf populations could spiral out of control.
  7. animal diseases: Wolves could transmit animal diseases and thus pose a threat to livestock.
  8. Difficult protective measures: Protecting wolves can be complex and expensive, especially in densely populated areas.
  9. Threat to biodiversity: The presence of wolves could endanger the existence of other endangered animal species.
  10. Psychological Effects: The mere presence of wolves can cause fear and worry in some people.

These pro and con opinions show that the presence of wolves in Germany is a complex issue. A careful balance between nature conservation, agriculture and the interests of the population is required to enable sustainable and peaceful coexistence.

Wolves in the Kohli Blog