I was rummaging through my graphics archive today and came across the year 2006. Back then it wasn't actually that common to photograph your food, but I was surprised at how many photos I took back then.

I was really into Knorr's spice. I didn't really like Maggi's.

Order Knorr Fix for meatloaf cheap at Amazon* >>>

At that time I had baked the buelettes in the oven.

Bake the meatballs nice and dark in the oven at about 200 degrees.

There was a lot of fat left...

… and excess fat was removed from the meatballs on kitchen roll.

PS: Nowadays I don't need Knorr Fix anymore, because I have my own recipe for tasty meatballs. But back then I just grew up with it. And it still smells good when you open the pack. Sometimes I still use a Knorr Fix, just because of the past!

Location: home

Recordings from: April 12, 2006

Theme world: Meatballs

Camera: Panasonic DMZ-FZ10

*Affiliate link