Area18, currently my home planet, is a vibrant place with a multitude of possibilities. When I received the announcement of an upcoming delivery mission, my joy knew no bounds! It would take me back to New Babbage, my actual home planet at heart.

All images below in full resolution (8000×4500 px) available for download.

The anticipation of this trip is simply indescribable. I love the busy atmosphere of Area18 and the varied encounters with other space travelers. But despite all the fascination for this place, I long for the quiet serenity of New Babbage. The snow-covered streets, the picturesque buildings and the calming atmosphere give me a feeling of security.

With a happy heart, I set out to prepare for the delivery mission. As I look forward to adventuring into the infinite reaches of space, I know that in the end I will return to the embrace of my beloved New Babbage.

It is the place where my soul is really at home. 🏠🚀✨

#Area18 #NewBabbage #homeplanet #spaceadventure

On the rooftops of New Babbage

Download “Back to New Babbage (microTech) - my real home in the heart (10 pictures with 8000x4500 px)” – downloaded 33 times – 76,88 MB

Game: Star Citizen

Platform: PC

Screenshot(s) dated: July 8, 2023
Version: Alpha 3.19.1

Where: Stanton – ArcCorp—Area18